How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts from Hackers?

strong passwords

In the previous post we have explained you the ways that Hackers use to get control over your Social media accounts. If you want to find out the ways how Hackers access your accounts by breaching your security, we suggest you to go through this post.

Read it Here: How do Hackers Hack Your Facebook Account?

In this Web 2.0 world nothing is as secure as we build. But taking some extra care would definitely improve security to greater extent. So in this post you can find ways to protect your social media accounts from Hackers.

1.Using Firewall.

Hackers often install key loggers on your devices to steal your passwords without your notice. These key loggers use internet to upload the logged data into hackers server. So by using a firewall you can sniff out any suspicious online activity and avoid them.

2.Choosing Super strong Passwords.

As we know that there many sophisticated tools that can can launch brute force attacks and guess the passwords, a super strong password would definitely tackle down these tools. This post on creating a super strong password would really help you in framing your next String of secret characters. Do go through it.

3.Login Alerts.

Almost all the major tech sites will provide you with instant login alerts. Activate them and you can get notifications directly to via mails, SMS and notification. You can control any suspicious logins and block them instantly.

4.Using Add-On’s.

There several Add-On’s that could help you combat attacks like Session Hijacking and Side Jacking techniques that hackers use to make you vulnerable. Here are some free browser Add-On’s that would be handy to add extra layer of security to your online activities.

Recommended:  Facebook's drones to beam Internet

For Chrome: KB SSL Enforcer.

For Firefox: Force TLS.

5.Caution with Friend Requests and Followers.

Do not accept friend requests from strangers. Hackers can create fake accounts and can trick you to exploit your data. They can spam your timeline with phishing links and tag you in malicious post to target your friend list. So keep an eye on people in your list.

By following these security tips you can protect your self from hackers to some extent and stay safe online. Want to add something tell us what you think in the comments below.

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Ganesh Venigalla

Geek, Passionate, Nerd for Tech!

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How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts from Hackers?

by Ganesh Venigalla time to read: 2 min